Private & Cloneable Sites

Learn how to make your site private or cloneable by other users

You need to have PRO Plus plan to access this feature

  1. From the top, next to project title, click on the settings icon

  2. This will open the Site Settings dialog

  3. Here you can find two important settings [Private and Cloneable]

Private Projects

By default when you can create any site it will be public which means when you share the site preview url other users can preview your site

If you've PRO account you can add privacy to your Site by making it private so that other users can't preview your site if you share the site preview url.

Site Preview URL vs Site Published URL

Site Published URLSite Preview URL

This is the live hosted url of your site

This is the preview url of your site

You need to publish the site to Netlify to see this url

You don't need to publish the site.

All you need to click on My Projects -> Project -> Menu [] -> Preview

To make your project private.

  1. Open the Site -> this will open the editor

  2. From top right click on the edit icon near the project title

  3. This will open the Site Settings dialog.

  4. Check the Private option.

  5. That's it.

Cloneable Projects

By default, no one can't clone your projects. If you've PRO Plus plan you can make your site cloneable.

  1. Open the Site -> this will open the editor

  2. From top right click on the edit icon near the project title

  3. This will open the Site Settings dialog.

  4. Check the Cloneable option.

  5. That's it.

Advantages of Cloneable Projects

  1. You can make site as template and let others can clone and use it

  2. You can sell your site template using Gumroad and even make money

  3. You can share it with your team and let others make a copy of it and re-use them for some other purposes.

Last updated